Jupinx cmd line utility

The jupinx command line utility.


this utility currently takes a zero-configuration approach. If you need to modify the behaviour of sphinxcontrib-jupyter then you need to update conf.py file in your sphinx project.


To install jupinx:

pip install jupinx

to upgrade your current installation to the latest version:

pip install jupinx --upgrade


To build a collection of notebooks using jupinx:

jupinx --notebooks <PATH-PROJECT-DIRECTORY>




Many users will run jupinx at the root level of a repository. this can be done by specifying jupinx --notebooks. The directory specification is optional in this case.

It is also possible to build a full website. This option makes use of Jupyter Notebooks ability to execute code so output is not required in any of the source files. The website can be completely built (including all code and generated components).

jupinx --website <PATH-PROJECT-DIRECTORY>


There is currently no default template provided for constructing websites. This needs to be provided in the future to allow building websites out of the box with a default theme.



documentation regarding options for building websites can be found here

All command line options available can be listed using the help flag:

jupinx --help


jupinx -h


The typical usage for jupinx is:


The following options are provided:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --clean clean build directory
-j, --jupyternb
 open jupyter to view notebooks
-n, --notebooks
 compile RST files to Jupyter notebooks
-d, --pdf compile RST files to PDF files
-s, --server open html server to view website
-t, --coverage-tests
 compile coverage report for project
-w, --website compile website
--version show program’s version number and exit

The following additional options are provided:

-p [PARALLEL], –parallel [PARALLEL]
Specify the number of workers for parallel execution (Default: –parallel will result in –parallel=2)
-f [FILES [FILES …]], –files [FILES [FILES …]]
specify files for compilation